He has a huge vendor's tent, and all that goes with it. It is amazing how much product that he is able to cart around with him each and everytime.
It literally is a mini market. Everything from Himalayan pink Salt bars, to Goat Milk bars and body butters. Of course he has the Sea Salt Scrubs as well as 30 plus different types of bars. All with the Organic guarantee that you are getting the highest quality for you buck.
We have a schedule on our FaceBook each week so if you can't make it to the market. there are other options.
So look for the LARGE WHITE vendor's tent and the huge signs so you know where he is at !!

Christmas is just around the corner. I have "Gifts to GO" already boxed and wrapped. only $25.00. Matching sets of shampoo and conditioner. Body butter, soap, the list goes on and on and on :-)